- If the person is ill a lot of the time
- Reducing stress in a bipolar crisis
- Dealing with risky or inappropriate manic or hypomanic behavior
- If there is a lot of conflict between you
- If the person is ill, irritable and very critical of you
- If the person is physically aggressive
- Dealing with negative consequences of risky behavior
Summaries on key topics
- Home
- About bipolar disorder, information and suggestions for caregivers (close family, friends, partners or carers)
- What is bipolar disorder?
- Treatment for bipolar
- How to help
- Your wellbeing
- Keeping healthy
- Getting organized
- Dealing with problems
- Developing a support system
- Developing realistic expectations
- Maintaining healthy boundaries
- Coming to terms with the illness
- Acknowledging your natural reactions
- Maintaining or rebuilding your relationship
- Recognizing the positives
- Dealing with specific caregiving challenges
- Working together
- Stigma
- Resources
- Research