Lifeline Ph: 13 11 14 (24 hour crisis counseling service)
This service is provided at the cost of a local call.
Salvation Army Care Line: 1300 36 36 22 (24 hour service)
If you have lost a loved one to suicide call the national hope line: 1300 467 354 or 1300 HOPE LINE
Suicideline (Vic) Ph: 1300 651 251 (24 hour telephone counseling service)
This suicideLine is for people who are suicidal or have self harming thoughts and those who are concerned about them (family and friends). The cost is that of a local call (mobiles extra). They also offer support for people bereaved by suicide.
Suicide Call Back Service (SCBS) Ph: 1300 659 467 seven days a week, 10am – 8.30pm (EST). After hours calls are answered by SuicideLine counselors who can provide immediate support or organize counseling sessions with the SCBS counselors. SCBS offers callers up to six 50 minute telephone counseling sessions.
Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 55 1800 (24 hour counseling service for young people aged 5-25)
This service is free from a landline, but there are charges for some mobile users. The website has a link to ‘parentline’, a helpline service for parents that operates during certain times in different states in Australia.
Mensline Australia Ph: 1300 78 99 78 (24 hour telephone counseling for men)
This service is provided at the cost of a local call.
National Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Helpline: Ph: 1800 200 526 (24 hour telephone counseling).