Anxiety disorders association of Canada (ADAC)
Ph: 1-888-223-2252 or 1-514-484-0504
ADAC is a non-profit organization whose aim is to promote the prevention, treatment and management of anxiety disorders and to improve the lives of people who suffer from them. They offer information and resources with links to organizations and services that can assist with anxiety disorders throughout Canada.
Summaries on key topics
- Home
- About bipolar disorder, information and suggestions for caregivers (close family, friends, partners or carers)
- What is bipolar disorder?
- Treatment for bipolar
- How to help
- Your wellbeing
- Working together
- Stigma
- Resources
- Bipolar disorder: organizations & websites
- Caregiver organizations and programs
- Crisis helplines
- Suicide prevention and support
- Drug and alcohol services
- Anxiety management
- Bipolar disorder treatment guidelines
- Medications for bipolar disorder
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
- Books on bipolar disorder
- Books on dealing with anxiety
- Research