Ph: 020 7553 7640
Mailing address: 25 Corsham Street, London, N1 6DR
Adfam lobbies on behalf of families affected by the alcohol or drug use of a family member. They have a database of support resources and offer training courses in conflict management and dealing with substance use for family members. They also offer best practice training for professionals.
Families Anonymous
Helpline 0845 1200 660
Families Anonymous is a self –help organization that provides an international fellowship of relatives and friends of people who abuse substances, or with related behavioral problems. There are Families Anonymous groups in many places in the UK. The group program is adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous
FRANK – National Drugs Helpline
Ph: 0800 77 66 00 (24 hours service)
You can speak to a professionally trained advisor to get information about drugs or help with concerns about a family member or friend who is taking drugs.
Lifeline for Anyone Who Cares
Helpline 0161 832 8073 (7pm-9pm, 7 days a week)
This is a registered charity that provides information and support to family and friends of a person with a substance abuse problem. They offer a family group, family mediation sessions, a telephone help-line and one to one support and assessment. Services are facilitated by qualified professionals.
National Alcohol Helpline Ph: 0800 918 82 82
Turning point
Head office ph: 020 7481 7600 or Manchester Office: 0161 238 5100
Mail: Standon House?21 Mansell Street?London?E1 8A Email:
This organization offers services for those with complex needs such as alcohol or drug misuse and mental health problems. They aim to address the needs of the person and have outreach services, detox and rehabilitation services, supported housing and help people back to work.